As Denver wedding photographers, we get to know many brides. There is one type of bride in particular whom I (as a warm weather person) find very fascinating.
Ah yes.....I'm talking about the winter bride....or more specifically the Colorado Winter Bride. Now she doesn't have to be from Colorado to be a Colorado winter bride; but what makes her one, is that she wants most, if not all of her wedding day photos (ceremony, group shots, first look, creatives) OUTSIDE in winter no matter the weather conditions. She loves the outdoors and snowy mountains. She has a warm heart, but typically prefers cold weather to hot. She prays it will be snowing on her wedding day as she finds it positively romantic! Everyone will be freezing except for her. Her family and friends might beg and plead but to no avail. Bundle up people, we are doing this outside!
Interestingly, Tom and I started and ended our 2016 wedding photography season at Devil’s Thumb Ranch in Tabernash, Colorado, photographing the winter bride. Now, to all the winter brides out there, Devil’s Thumb Ranch is the perfect winter mountain wedding venue not to mention a winter wonderland playground!
We had the honor of photographing the wedding of Stephanie and Chris on December 3, 2016. Coming from Minnesota, the Colorado winter was a piece of cake for her and she was the perfect winter bride. Stephanie was fearless; she loved the outdoors, mountains and horses, and Devil’s Thumb Ranch had it all! The ceremony would be outside as would the first look and creatives. Because this was a destination wedding, we had not met Stephanie face to face before her wedding. As soon as we saw how beautiful she looked and how excited she was, we knew it was going to be a warm day no matter what the temperature. We got to work knowing we would get epic images of this wonderful couple!
Stephanie and Chris' wedding was a small intimate destination wedding with 16 people including us. After photographing Stephanie getting ready in the Bunk House, we headed to the stables for the first look. After that, all the guests rode in a horse drawn wagon to the ceremony site. It was was exciting, fun and romantic!! Everyone was bundled up and cozy; it was an experience that no one will ever forget!
The intimate outdoor wedding ceremony was like nothing we had ever photographed. It felt like the rest of the world just slipped away. Tom and I circled the ceremony site in fresh powder up to our knees; it reminded me of being a child playing in the snow. After the ceremony, the guests piled back into the wagon for the ride back down to the stables. The driver asked the horses for a trot and the air was filled with happy excitement. Afterward everyone gathered at The Ranch House to warm up by the fireplace. Then came a fantastic dinner of Australian Lobster Tail and Petite Filet Mignon in the wine cellar, surrounded by fine wine (literally, bottle after bottle on every wall), great conversation and lots of laughter. It was the perfect winter wedding and we are so thankful to Stephanie and Chris for choosing us to photograph it. See for yourself and enjoy!!
Devil's Thumb RanchThis is the scene along County Road 83 approaching Devil's Thumb Ranch, Tabernash, Colorado
Devil's Thumb Ranch WeddingStephanie's dress, boots, wrap and rings are ready to go.
Devil's Thumb Ranch Winter Wedding, Tabernash, ColoradoThree generations together buttoning the dress.
Devil's Thumb Ranch Winter WeddingChris waits in the lounge at the stables for Stephanie's arrival.
Tabernash Winter WeddingThe final preparations are made.
Colorado Winter WeddingStephanie on the steps of the Bunk House at Devil's Thumb Ranch.
Colorado Winter WeddingStephanie approaches Chris for the first look.
Colorado Mountain WeddingA perfect first look.
Devil's Thumb Ranch Winter WeddingNotice the frisky horses in the background!
The Stables at Devil's Thumb RanchThis little guy wanted Stephanie's attention.
Colorado Winter WeddingWarming up by the the fire before heading to the ceremony site.
Devil's Thumb Ranch Winter WeddingA quick hello to the horses.
Colorado Winter WeddingTime to load up the wagon!
Colorado Mountain Winter WeddingThe private ceremony site awaits.
Colorado Winter WeddingAnd we are off to get married!
Devil's Thumb Ranch Winter WeddingThe late day sun on this magical scene.
Devil's Thumb Ranch Private Winter WeddingThe day may have been cold but there was no shortage of warmth!
Colorado Winter WeddingThe exchange of the rings and they are wed!
Devil's Thumb Ranch Winter WeddingThe horses and drivers look on from a distance.
Devil's Thumb Ranch Winter WeddingTime for some creatives of Chris and Stephanie following the ceremony.
Colorado Winter WeddingA beautiful winter scene as the light begins to fade.
Devil's Thumb Ranch WeddingTime to head indoors to warm up and celebrate!
Devils' Thumb Ranch Wine CellarDinner was held in the wine cellar.
Devil's Thumb Ranch Winter WeddingToasting to the bride and groom!
Devi's Thumb Ranch WeddingThe perfect cake topper for the perfect day!
Devil's Thumb Ranch Winter WeddingWe end the night with a few more photos outside as the snow begins to fall.
After experiencing Stephanie and Chris' wedding day, I encourage brides to think outside the "traditional box". You can make a wedding budget work in many different ways. Sometimes brides feel pressured to please everyone but the day really belongs to just two people so look into your hearts and do what will make your wedding day the most memorable to you.
We'd also like to give a "shout out" to Woodstem Floral & Decor in Winter Park!
~Lucy Miles